we see Okoro, Noxolo, Ufi (????)
Okoro is a nerd (board game player) and can kind of see into the future (like 5-6 mins?), investigator
school’s academic
into strategy and role play etc
he’s the type of guy to sit down and read the history book and recreate the battles with complex mathematics to see if he could have changed history
he loves analyzing and all that
wants to be a leader for his people and family
Noxolo is a woman who dresses and acts as a man to stay hidden as she is on the run from her parents and her tribe
we dont see anything (fuck you luke and your NAT20)
we notice something is off abt Noxolo and Okolo but Ufi isnt here
We kind of interrupted Noxolo and Okolo
Uzunjanti is heavily focused on stories and the stories we tell each other and are passed down
Noxolo: looks are deceiving and that people only help those that can give benefits to them, very jaded
Ufi: Kindness of the child who helped the stranger
Okoro: the concept of how the story has changed over time, and that the message now is accept others but the story was probably changed bc it used to be a gnoll, showing kindness and love to a gnoll is too much to ask for
cascade bearers
anchor root, mariama, muruwa, and chezire
chezire is asleep as we walk up
mariama is taking the leda
murawa is still not understanding magic
anchor root is guest
mariama approaches abt cascade bearers
mariama is here to control case, chezire we dont know why
assignment: there’s been an incident with gremlins in the storage barn
head into town for the butcher
we get the scarlet cap (tree blood)
10 sydney
14 yvie
16 toph
Mushrooms 18
Umbo took 11 damage (vitality), 8 damage from relili, took 6 damage, 14 damage
Bumbo took 28 damage (slashing) (+5 weakness), 27 damage (slashing)
25 sachi
24 relili
21 sven
critical miss on the summon: remind luke after combat
hollybush feather token and hand of the mage
mariam has created big summon circle and a big pentagram that has bells to shoo away gremlins
the ritual. seems to work??
toph and sven hit the bell
when the fist and sword hit the bell, they almost look as if theyre made of cold iron
so within the next week, fae get attacked
physical attack now counts as if it was made out of cold iron against fae
any bells now cause AOE cold iron damage
rain scribe!
helping other people in nature and people
esi haibram anchor root
“the green shoots blossom in the rain” - haibram
cafesi marker hates the university
Esi is an agent of edgewatch nerd
Esi is nepobaby
local chicken breed that is endangered rn
breeding cycle, laying eggs etc
we need to go and collect the eggs
chickens eggshells are delicacy and are used in soups
we need to buy the eggs as not the university
20 gold
we find a market stall
another shop