Table of Contents


The Mwangi Expanse is a large continent located to the south of Golden Road and west of the Impossible Lands. This is a diverse place filled with many different people. There are a couple of common themes here.


Ruins of KhoSodden LandsThe Barrier WallLake OcotaNantambuTerwa UplandsVidrianMzaliScreaming JungleBloodcove

The following directions are from the perspective of the Magaambya


University Town






Beliefs are varied in the Mwangi expanse. Worship is not typically as ritualized as it is in the north. Instead, religion is more of a way of life and common beliefs and anathemas. While religion as understood in the north does exist, it is largely centered in the towns that have been influenced by people from the north. If in the north a group of worshippers will gather their money to build lavish temples, the people of the Mwangi might prefer smaller shrines or just personal objects in the home to designate who they worship. And due to the various gods constantly trying to destroy this land, Anti-Theism is prevalent, if not mandatory in some cultural groups.

Gods in the Mwangi Expanse