

Clubs are now open! Here are the major clubs as well as their members.

Astronomy Club

  • Members: Sachi, Noxolo, Chizire, Okoro, Kalaggi

Music Club

  • Members: Anchor Root, Esi, Zane

Baking Club

  • Members: Ignaci, Strands of Glowing Dawn, Ufi, Anchor Root

Drama Club

  • Members: Zane, Esi, Okoro, Haibram

Board Game Club

  • Members: Okoro, Chizire, Ignaci, Ekene, Mariama

Fashion Club

  • Members: Ignaci, Strands of Glowing Dawn, Kalaggi, Noxolo

Sparring Club

  • Members: Mariama, Esi, Haibram, Ekene, Kalaggi

Explorer's Club (mostly Birdwatching at the moment)

  • Note: This is a club organized by Takulu Ot's wife
  • Members: Ekene, Muruwa, Kalaggi

Esoterica Club

  • Note: This is a club organized by Zuma
  • Members: Ignaci, Mariama, Ufi

Crafting Club

  • Note: This is a club organized by Powderpile, the school shopkeeper
  • Members: Chizire, Ignaci, Anchor Root

These clubs are not part of the school in an official capacity, but are instead local outreach and services. Ways to integrate into the local town.

Maritime Boat League

This club actually predates the founding of the university all the way back to when Nantambyu was just a small fishing village.

  • Members: Haibram, Esi, Muruwa, Zane
  • friday/magaambya/clubs.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/13 11:47
  • by