In the time before the Mwangi was mapped, Golden Snake was traveling with three great and capable guides, searching for sites of great power or history. After a long day of traveling, he saw a golden star falling down from the sky. “Surely, this is the source of the great power I have sought after. Leave the camp as it is and let us move at once and with haste.” The four of them moved throughout the night towards where the star fell.
After a few hours, they came upon a raging river as wide as four villages, white with foam. The four began to swam, but guide one, seeking to prove herself to Golden Snake, attempted to push ahead of the four instead of conserving her strength. When the surge came, she was carried back to where they started.
After several hours more, the three came upon a cliff that went so high it seemed to ascend into the heavens. One of the guides, tired from the river and travels and a cautious man in general, took one look at the cliff and turned around.
After the climb, Golden Snake and the last guide saw a shine in the distance deep in the jungle. “Surely, this must be the star, we are close.” She rushed ahead and was attacked by a wild animal and had to flee back to camp. Golden Snake took time to rest for he respected the jungle and knew his limits.
Finally, after reaching the star, he came across a wise tree surrounded by golden fields. “This land is cursed. The top soil is gold, but beneath it is death. I am a defender of this fool's soil. Those who are lacking in wisdom will end up destroying themselves seeking wealth. We may give you the star, but you must promise me that you will not tell others of what you found here.” Before his leaving, he sat down and promised by means of sharing a meal and drink that he would not tell others of what he found.
Upon his return, Golden Snake split the star into four pieces and named each piece after his guides, east, west, and south. For even in failure, they were a team and he wished to honor them. Taking the piece meant for himself, he threw it back into the sky as a reminder to the wise tree that the location would remain hidden. This way, even when it seems the darkest, the star of Golden Snake guides those who journey.“
Teacher Tahenkot believes this is a generic morality tale that may contain a piece of truth to it. Namely, she believes this is a reference to Golden Snake's desire to map out various dangerous ruins that had become corrupted by undeath. Various cults dedicated to lichdom flourished during the time of Old-Mage Jatembe. After defeating the cults, he may have gone out of his way to nto mark down these ancient ruins as the knowledge contained therein (golden soil) hid what lay beneath (death). The talking tree and sitting down to meal being opposites of Urgathoa (god of liches and necromancy).
She mentions that there is an alternative theory that the tree is Old-Mage Jatembe and that whomever finds the three star pieces may find him again. This interpretation is extremely new (in the grand scheme of history), she claims, and seems more like the complete opposite understanding of the core moral of the story. Namely, some things are best left unturned.