
Ten Magic Warriors

The following links for the Ten Magic Warriors and Old-Mage Jatembe are stories told in various villages. The truth of these stories should be taken with a grain of salt as these stories are frequently moral stories told to children. Most of you would know that this is intended by Old-Mage Jatembe as he believed an official record of their actions and beliefs would stifle individuality. Even if he vehemently disagreed with a fellow magic warrior, he would not do so publicly, preferring private chastisement. Also, most of these stories stretch back over 7,000 years. Things get changed over time.

Old-Mage Jatembe is included here as, while he is a Magic Warrior, he is not typically included in the numbering. Keep in mind that there was a twelfth member who betrayed Old-Mage Jatembe. This person has largely been wiped from any record of being part of the travels of the Ten Magic Warriors. As such, since your characters represent a more intellectual / searching personalities, you understand that some of the story inconsistencies or displays of power might be from this twelfth member and appropriated into another member, even if the story or moral does not fit that member very well.

  1. Old-Mage Jatembe, leader of the Ten Magic Warriors
  2. Azure Leopard, the Patient Warden and founder of the Tempest-Sun Mages, tamer of the storms
  3. Black Heron, The Wings of Knowledge, creator of the Shory Empire, master of the skies
  4. Carmine Jaws, The Hyena who looks Between, a human or gnoll, pioneer of ley lines and deep knowledge of planar travel
  5. Ivory Elephant, The Conjured Chronicle, historian and founder of the Uzunjati
  6. Golden Snake, the Tireless Guide, a serpentfolk and map-maker
  7. Dashing Ibex, the Flourishing Field, a pioneer of herbal medicine and healing
  8. Shifting Frog, Storyteller of the Past and Future, an Ekujae Elf
  9. Verdant Spider, The Speaker of Needs, shy Anadi baker who fought for the rights of ordinary people and dedicated her life to service and diplomacy
  10. Whistling Kite, The Vigilant Seer, a prominent emancipator always depicted as an intelligent hawk
  11. White Bull, the Horn-Forger, an Iruxi known for several prominent achievements in architecture
Magic Warrior Nickname Personality Magic Building Notes
Azure Leopard The Patient Warden Strong willed and dedicated to order and control. Mastery over yourself. Mastery over the elements. Stealth, Darkness (the patience of a hunt), Lightning Warden House Human woman with the mask of a leopard, a woman powerful enough to tame the storms. Founder of the Tempest-Sun Mages
Black Heron The Wings of Knowledge Intelligence and knowledge, no matter the cost. Anything to do with flight or wind. Heron Archives United people into a group known as the Shory. Possibly betrayed Jatembe (or someone wearing his mask did it). Master of air magic.
Carmine Jaws The Hyena Who Looks Between Sense of duty and seeing things for what they truly are and accept them. Prejudice is just ignorance. Anything related to sight, sense, or teleportation The Between Unknown if human or gnoll (likely gnoll). An Omnimancer and one who studied teleportation (particularly through the planes).
Ivory Elephant The Conjured Chronicle Wise, thoughtful. Respects stories and history. Resistance and health (not healing, like temporary HP) Elephant Museum This woman chronicled and wrote down the achievements of the Ten Magic Warriors.
Golden Snake The Tireless Guide and Mapper of the Unknown Comfort in discomfort. Explore the Unexplored. Favors anti-exhaustion and freedom of movement type spells. Tireless Hall Probably a lizardfolk, but possibly a nagaji.
Dashing Ibex The Flourishing Field Tender-hearted, easily upset. Quick to trust, quicker to help. First to understand and sympathize. Healing, Restoration, and Resurrection magic Indigo Hall A renowned doctor. Many local techniques and medicines were developed by them.
Shifting Frog The Storyteller of the Past and Future Adapt. Overcome. Study with a goal and focus on the big picture. Never be caught off-guard from lack of forethought. Anything related to recall knowledge or the ability to see the future or remember the past Shifting Greenhouse Ekujae elf seer. History reminds us of our enemies so we know how to fight them in the future.
Verdant Spider The Speaker of Needs Power is useless without service. Help the needy. Speak up for the destitute. Be willing to lay traps for the haughty. Anything related to diplomacy and illusions (particularly illusions to disguise yourself or hide your true intentions so as to not tip your hand). Verdant House A shy baker from the south, an Anadi spider. She is the one who started the forced community service as part of admission to the school as well as the policy of the university offering aid to the destitute and homeless.
Whistling Kite The Vigilant Seer Strong sense of right and wrong. Can be a bit black/white in thinking. Injustice in any form must be fought against. The Vigilant Seer went on a campaign to free as many slaves as possible, and their magic focuses heavily on freedom spells (spells to end control effects) Whistle's Tower Renowned emancipator. Strike swiftly. Strike quickly. Know right from wrong. Study ethics. Break chains, break laws. Freedom.
White Bull The Horn-Forger Strong walls and a fearsome reputation prevents needless death. Anything related to AC, defense, or protecting others. Archhorn Library This lizardfolk was best known for his fearsome visage with his horned mask. Was a master in architecture.
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  • Last modified: 2024/05/06 14:39
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