Session 1 - 28 February 2024
General Rules and Orientation
- This school encourages political neutrality as uni position but not as a student position, feel free to engage in politics as long as you don’t use the uni name!
- presumed to be mature for their age group
- killing animals is okay but not super liked by the professors
- weapons should be on you at all times
- self defense murder is ok!
Session Proper
- We all enter into the room with the 10 magical statues and there's Ufi, Catfolk (Chezire), and the Frog Rogue
- Use to be 12 warriors including Old Mage Jetembe and an old friend of his
- but that friend betrayed him and Jetembe destroyed the friend
- (You can kinda just say whatever as to why the guy betrayed Jetembe, and why did Jetembe destroy him so badly?? This is discoursed often in culture )
- he’s typically an absolutely kind person
- This friend’s presence is typically ignored in stories regarding these twelve now
- betrayal is one of the worst things you can do here
- Supposedly Black Heron also betrayed him
- but theres a “someone stole Black Heron’s mask and tried to kill Jetembe” theory
- One of the last things these 11 did was build the school to prevent this type of things from happening again
- Jetembe’s statue is not here bc he feels like he doesnt deserve it, he’s also believed to be immortal and just roaming the earth
- Takulu Ot: Head of Education and Freshmen Orientation
- We are greeted by him at this room?
- “No magic is forbidden, just dont be evil”
- Group
- Ekene, Yvie, and Relili
- relili has dark blue hair blue eyes
- Anchor root?? (Gnoll student) (Perfect Scores)
- Habraim (Failed the rock one)
- Candle, Chicken, Snake, Rock
- Takulu Ot conjures 6 symbols and asks you to choose one
- Flickering Candle (Toph)
- Can cast dancing lights as innate spell until level 2
- Balanced Scales (Sachi)
- Guidance until Level 2
- Multi Prong Key
- Pursed Lips (Relili)
- Message until Level 2
- Open Palm with Eye in Palm (Yvie)
- Shield until Level 2
- Hourglass
- 2 Beads given per person, Crush at any time to summon Takulu Ot
- Another bead given to represent that you are a student
Dormitory Section
- Everyone runs off to do their own thing
- Esi (The Overachiever) wearing very colorful clothing, Spider silk umbrella
- Sun Tempest Nepobaby
- Her mother is leader of town guard
- Her daughter is believed to better than her mother in terms of skill
- Very quick to point out when others are wrong, struggling at diplomacy, other teachers hate her
- Approaches the group
- Tells us abt
- 4 stone spires, organizes us where we need to go
- Trampoline thing on the roof
- Barbeques on the roof
- Flowers on the front of the garden
- Some mold growing in some of the bathrooms
- Meriama is the student who summoned a demon in math
- very unlucky, went through 5 staffs and each were struck by lightning
- we bump into Chezire
- he apparently has a distillery????
- Relili runs off with Chezire
- We bump into Strands of Glowing Dawn (i.e. Dawn)
- Spider mommy (she’s a student!)
- She hands Yvie a pastry from Yvie’s hometown
- Baking and clothing
- Ignaci Cantarel
- Rich Pretty Boy
- Probably a slave owner
- Ufi and Kalagi approaches Yvie
- Kalagi is good at tanning
- Both seem awkward, seem to really want to give a good impression to Yvie
- Topher heads off with both to train
- Yvie hangs out with Ignaci
- An intelligent Alchemist
- Derails talking about his past
- Was properly diplomat trained, master at manipulating conversation
- Family, past, or where he comes from derails
- asks if Yvie has met Noxolo, seems enamored with Noxolo
- Sachi decides to hang with Dawn, who is also in the kitchen
- We are suddenly attacked by a bunch of beetles
- Ignaci is too good at combat? he seems too prepared
- very clearly knows how to use a weapon and how to defend himself
- has immediate action
- Beetle Infestation Battle! (Recurring Problem)
- Zuma the teacher approaches the dormitory
- Wearing a strange hat made out of strange bit of thing metal
- Tinfoil hat conspiracy teacher
- “Why would you spend such a high level spell slot to send these beetles to attack the school?”
- If a wizard that powerful wanted to, why not just attack the school directly
- School is supposed to be protected by magical barrier
- strange way to attack but would get past the barrier
- if it was a charm, then beetles would lose their focus so it wouldnt make sense?
Session 2 - 3 Update
- Just entered uni, technically not started classes yet
- In the pre-class study phase, that's why most of the teachers arent here yet
- Late winter when we arrive
- spring through winter schedule for the school year
- in the midst of testing to find out what branch were in
- have been attacked by large swarm of beetle twice now, (once more in session 3)
- giant boat advertising campaign happened in session 3
- asked haibram to help with the boats, bc he helped the shopkeepers
- there is a teacher that specializes in bugs and she is coming back after finishing her field research
- Koraid Ulawa (?)
- Found tunnels under the school in the storage bin, about dwarf halfling sizes
- delivered some mail
- had a skirmish, had a sparring match with some of the others
- gremlins in the storage barn
- 5 branches gave quests to complete
- Rain scribes, uzujanti, cascade bearers (not done)
- tempus suns and emerald bows (done)
Session 4
- Introduction
- Sydney Snuts
- gunnhildr is the dog
- halfling
- Sven
- halfling
- white and has anger issues
- very scared of birds
- hobby is playing flute to relax
- barbarian
- silent
- women
- we see Okoro, Noxolo, Ufi (????)
- Okoro is a nerd (board game player) and can kind of see into the future (like 5-6 mins?), investigator
- school’s academic
- into strategy and role play etc
- he’s the type of guy to sit down and read the history book and recreate the battles with complex mathematics to see if he could have changed history
- he loves analyzing and all that
- wants to be a leader for his people and family
- Noxolo is a woman who dresses and acts as a man to stay hidden as she is on the run from her parents and her tribe
- very familiar with sixth sense, (“I see dead people”, sometimes she will look at the bones of the dead chickens we eat and give us their backstory)
- we dont see anything (fuck you luke and your NAT20)
- we notice something is off abt Noxolo and Okolo but Ufi isnt here
- Ufi rolled the NAT20.
- He was practicing stealth
- We kind of interrupted Noxolo and Okolo
- there was a 2nd year practicing her dance and the two were. clearly paying attention elsewhere
- she is snapping her fingers to an imaginary beat on the mossy earth
- they are both. Entranced
- Uzunjanti is heavily focused on stories and the stories we tell each other and are passed down
- help us understand the world and our place in it
- Ufi has a religious artifact of an unknown god which is why he is here
- Assignment
- to tell us a story
- a group assignment
- play, we do the story of the old man so on so on
- A-! toff throws too much dirt
- Noxolo: looks are deceiving and that people only help those that can give benefits to them, very jaded
- Ufi: Kindness of the child who helped the stranger
- Okoro: the concept of how the story has changed over time, and that the message now is accept others but the story was probably changed bc it used to be a gnoll, showing kindness and love to a gnoll is too much to ask for
- cascade bearers
- anchor root, mariama, muruwa, and chezire
- chezire is asleep as we walk up
- he learnt. the sleep spell to put himself to sleep more often
- mariama is taking the leda
- murawa is still not understanding magic
- anchor root is guest
- mariama approaches abt cascade bearers
- the academic branch??
- were here to advance magical theory and the principles of magic, how to do it safely
- mariama is here to control case, chezire we dont know why
- assignment: there’s been an incident with gremlins in the storage barn
- we’re going to be making some oils to try and keep the bugs and gremlins out of the school
- oil crafting
- mariama is going to be doing a ritual to get enhance the oils
- chezire will mix materials to make oil
- anchor root will know ingredients
- need
- scarlet cap, bone oil, and caterpillar oil
- can get it at: bone oil from anything, scarlet cap grows outside of the city over at the south or east near jungle, caterpillar grows in that area and you can make it into an oil
- bone needs to be lucky for the ritual to work
- occultism
- can ask around to the butcher who has a rather large garbage pile
- probably has an area for bones
- head into town for the butcher
- sign on the front of the store that says
- this week special bone broth
- we help the lunch rush and get the bones
- caterpillars
- we get them in a jar
- sachi almost kills yvie by dropping the caterpillar
- we get the caterpillars!
- we get the scarlet cap (tree blood)
- we approach a tree covered in mushrooms
- climb up a tree
- sachi and sven climb the tree
- sydney hands yvie a cool little worm
- we get attacked by the mushrooms Umbo and Bumbo
- they were kicked out of their tribes for being too mean
- 10 sydney
- 14 yvie
- purple pox. nothing happens for 1 minute
- must be helpful for mushrooms until end of next turn
- punches sachi
- 16 toph
- Mushrooms 18
- Umbo took 11 damage (vitality), 8 damage from relili, took 6 damage, 14 damage
- 39 total
- 18
- Bumbo took 28 damage (slashing) (+5 weakness), 27 damage (slashing)
- frightened one
- 55 total
- 25 sachi
- 24 relili
- 21 sven
- took 8 damage
- purple pox, infected for a minute
- critical miss on the summon: remind luke after combat
- stupified 3
- hollybush feather token and hand of the mage
- mariam has created big summon circle and a big pentagram that has bells to shoo away gremlins
- to ward away and the gremlins
- the ritual. seems to work??
- toph and sven hit the bell
- when the fist and sword hit the bell, they almost look as if theyre made of cold iron
- so within the next week, fae get attacked
- physical attack now counts as if it was made out of cold iron against fae
- any bells now cause AOE cold iron damage
- rain scribe!
- helping other people in nature and people
- esi haibram anchor root
- “the green shoots blossom in the rain” - haibram
- cafesi marker hates the university
- allegations of favoritism on students etc
- university doesnt like market
- if person wants good magic item, they come here
- marketplace hsa disregarded safety
- and items have fallen into hands of not good people
- university has denounced market place bc of thes selling of magic items to people who cant get them
- Esi is an agent of edgewatch nerd
- Esi is nepobaby
- mom is on hiring committee
- local chicken breed that is endangered rn
- breeding cycle, laying eggs etc
- we need to go and collect the eggs
- chickens eggshells are delicacy and are used in soups
- we need to buy the eggs as not the university
- bid
- 20 gold
- eggs!
- we find a market stall
- Sadu
- short man who is normally an arts seller that was recently painting
- grown chickens
- another shop
- makena
- stern but fair merchant
- 10 chicks taken from the shop
- A+!
- We pass every single test of the 5
Session 5 - 29 March 2024
I just got here
- Speech! From Toff!
- but theres a trap?? and they get snared??
- 4 gremlins appear!
- they are speaking sakvroth (undercommon)
- they talk about revenge!
- Relili, Sven, Gremlin 1, Kiki, Gremlin leader, Sachi
- fight!
- toff dies????
- sachi kills 2 people
- kiki also kills someone
- toff dies. again???
- ufi heals!
- gremlin leader lady runs away
- 4 people died
- head blown off
- sliced in stomach
- punched to death
- ufi’s god is related to domain of the sun
- doesnt know the other domains related
- might be related to healing but most sun gods are related to healing anyways so idk
- underground in the storage barn we fought the gremlins again there so the revenge makes sense
- Koraid Ulawa is now back at the university (the bug professor)
- Toff and Sven is barely passing with a C
- Yvie, Sachi both B students
- Kiki passes by everyone, is now considered Level 1 in school
- Relili fails and crams
People get to talk and interact!
- Toff chooses to train with Haibram
- Haibram is impressed esp bc of ur speech from earlier
- Haibram just be shooting the breeze
- “What do you think abvout these gremlin attacks?”
- wow they suck what a bunch of airheads
- cant believe I’m fighting side to side with a air user
- there is a group known as the secret seekers
- a group that meets and is going through trying to find all the hidden runes
- this group has been finding runes hidden in places
- seems to be all over
- behind one of the chairs in the dorm rooms there is a rune
- Sven with Spider mom
- good time with mom!
- if you need any of your clothing repaired, she will do that with you
- she is genuinely trying to get to know you
- “Have you been sleeping well?”
- she knows you havent been sleeping well and she knows about the nightmares
- there is a few presences that have to do with nightmares
- near screaming jungle part of the map people would have frequent nighrmares
- Yvie, Ufi, Kalagi, and Toff were frequent nightmare havers
- All had nightmares about the screaming jungle itself
- everyone who comes to this continent
- the jungle screams at them
- believed to be an ancient demon curse bc of the fact it was an old battle ground
- Yvie with Ufi
- Sachi with Noxolo
- Q: lets say we were sparring and you killed me and i came back alive as a skeleton, would you still spar me?
- A: depends on how cool the skeleton is
- Q: whats your favorite fruit
- A: strawberries
- QI had a plate full of strawberries and i had a heart attack, would you eat the strawberries from my plate
- A: I’d wait to see! I’d feel a little weird abt that
- Q: lets say we have an upcoming test, and i have a ton of notes, and have a heart attack and die. would you still use my notes
- A: can't let them go to waste
- Noxolo has one track mind, somehow all hypotheticals seem to end up in her death
- Sachi question to Noxolo: R U OK??
- A: Im not dead… My parents hate me I have no friends and Im all alone and the bones talk to me, the bones are great and my life is fine. bones help me on the test
- Relili with horse and Akene
- Fails check thus doesnt learn more but she likes your horse!
- She doesnt learn about Relili either
- Kiki with Ignaci
- Kiki knows nothing about Ignaci but he knows. too much about Kiki askldj
- later on Kiki realizes they told everything to Ignaci
- turns out he was trying to figure out which side of the revolution Kiki was on
- if you were on the anti slavery or pro slavery side
- and to see if you knew anyone in the underground movement
- we are now moving in and out of studies
- in particular there are a couple things the teachers bring up with us
- you can go to the leshy gardens, you can go and talk to your groundskeeper thema (female elf gardener)
- you can talk to the returning bug teacher bc she has updates on the bugs
- we have all been assigned a project
- go into town and go into the theatre district and put on a play
- the chef would like our help with the kitchen at some point
- Lumusi Yao
- nothing wakes yvie up in the middle of the night.
- failed perception check?????
- toff hears, around midnight, someone is going up the stairs and you would not hear anything else
- toff wakes up and heads upstairs with her armor
- there is no one there
- there is a jumping pad on the second floor
- there is a figure running off to the library
- toff puts notice board abt the dark figure
- when you wake up the next morning its no longer there
- she writes it again and leaves it up
- someone is sneaking around at night
- chizeri is not at breakfast
- toff wants to investigate the underground
- we voted. bloody murder??
- there is only 1 entrance
- we could try to find other entrances or use the one in the storage
- the conspiracy theory teacher thinks there is nothing wrong, its just maintenance tunnels
- we all head underground!
- there is quite a lot of underground movement
- theres a lot of footsteps underground
- unable to know exactly where the gremlins went
- some of the people who work at the uni also walk underground here
- one set of footprints
- one is going in one direction and one is going in the other
- one is heading to the dorm and the other is heading to the northwest part of the campus (that area is just a bunch of buildings)
- the hag attacked the administration building
- we head to administration building
- we move to northwest part of the map
- we come across an area that pops open
- we pop up in the storage room of a building we havent been in
- we are surrounded by books
- non magical
- door that leads into the rest of the building
- we are in what looks like a Really old room
- to the point you start coughing from the dust
- we recognize what seems to be a few high school level introduction to plants
- door looks like its been opened recently
- we enter an old library
- frmo this area would recognize youre in the old library thats set to be renovated
- most books have been moved to arcane library
- whole place is designed to look like a tree, connects to 8 rooms
- we are coming out of the storage room
- there is a single set of footprints moving around through the rooms that then left the building
- toff realizes we are not the only people in the room
- there is a second floor where people are up there
- gremlins!
- roll initiative!
- 5 gremlins
- they were eating the books
- they die!
we search around
- there is a small box
- mata digmari druid notes are found in one of the rooms
- “send to the office of teacher takulu ot”
- we find all of the books for takulu ot!
- found very detailed religion notes on the undead
- can learn the ritual create undead if you are trained in religion
- bracelet of dashing
- handed to Kiki
- reading and searching through different books
- we come across something interesting
- this wasnt always a library
- this place used to be a dormitory
- so it seems like the tree theming was more a play on the theme of elves living in trees
- have always heard that there are other dorms on campus and that there used to be an extra dorm but when that student had that accident (the one where a student ricocheted a spell)
- the university, to try and move past it, moved the students out of the dorm (which was this one) and then turned it into a library
- strikes you as odd
- one of the students left their staff behind
- animal staff
- theres a bunch of hidden language and runes
- Takulu Ot will give small gold bonus for finding his books
Session 7 - 12 April 2024
With Sachi
- Noxolo thinks void energy is seeping in and causing the bugs
- bugs like dead things so it might be causing bugs to come into the school cause of the dark energy
With Chauk
- Mariama and Okoro
- they talk about a board game
- Mariama is trying change of fate spell
- a spell she is inventing
- trying to remove curse and hex
- which is a witch thing
- gives pets to mariama’s monitor lizard (Kidu)
- who he gives jerky to
With Sven
- With spider mom
- Making birthday stuff for the mom!!
- with Chauk
- he makes little ribbon streamers out of spiderwebs
- “are you gonna be our new mommy?”
- “mommy number 2, sure”
- they go off to the baker in town
- mid cake is found at best
- the kids bother the mom and Chauk offers to try to teach them a board game
- the mother knew you were planning the party the whole time but she lied for her kids
- Tzeniwe is Dawn’s human name
Class with Zuma
- Orc that is a conspiracy theorist
- Chauk and Yvie are agreeing to the conspiracy theorists points
- she’s the best at defense magic
- Zuma asks “what is the most dangerous monster”
- Chauk
- “fascists. hell knights”
- Yvie
- “god”
- Noxolo
- “Lich”
- “Utmost power of the undead”
- Chizire
- sleeping in the back
- spouts off a bunch of monsters and says theyre weak compared
- “An idea is the only thing that cant be killed”
- “and ofc the gods in their infinite wisdom have decided that ideas give power”
- “like myolgymo” (???)
- “more powerful than an idea? if one of those powerful creatures could take that power and merge it with themselves”
- “can you imagine a lich that doesnt have a phylactery”
- the creatures he focuses on are particularly intelligent monsters that have the power to tap into belief
- like celestials, leader of mzali, celestial in a jungle, like liches and the undead, sign of the apocalypse, eye of abendago (???)
- abendago basically ate a chunk of fantasy africa, the continent and everyone on it
- and theres a prophecy that it will move through the land
- connected to god of consumption and eating
- ravenog: the ravenous one
- the lizardfolk ppl have a story that this will happen
- Esie
- “some super ancient dragon or smthng”
- Okoro then says “if you get enough catapults”
- Sachi
- “Willful ignorance”
- Haibram
- fire and fire magic bullshit
- Ignaci
- “Stagnation”
- Chauk talks about the bugs
- Zuma says “im doing some experiments rn and I need people to help”
- Sachi and Chauk are volunteered to help
- Zuma says to “pick a symbol that has a mouth on it, that is meaningful to the two of you”
- Chauk: “holy symbol of revanog” which Sachi agrees to
- Zuma starts crafting a magical tattoo, ritual of tattooification
- both try to cast the other’s type of magic
- Chauk fails casting harm
- Sachi tries to cast magic weapon and fails
- Chauk tries to cast silent image at 2nd level but only manages it at level 1
- he casts middle fingers
- “try to telepathically communicate”
- the mouth on the tattoo moves as the voices
- the ritual is permanently added to your characters
- “Tattoo whispers”
- Zuma thinks its sharing magic from inside to outside the school
- Chizire mentions the only way to destroy an idea is “education”
- The 10 magic warriors engage in changing history
- Zuma’s gonna say to Chauk “I like your free thinking, yknow what? just incase cause you are getting voices in my head, we need to make sure to keep you safe” and Zuma hands him a tinfoil hat (which counts as hat of magi)
We go to see the insect professor!
- head over to Koride Ulawa
- plants and rot
- rot: manure, like fungus and mushrooms
- circle of life type thing, nutrient soil for average people (seen as kinda taboo bc of necromancy)
- she believes anchor root can do no harm
- invites us into her office in the heron archives
- has blacked out the room
- she has a vulture
- well kept room and well maintained
- Takulu Ot has been complaining about teachers, “researchers first and teacher second” issue
- she pulls out a piece of paper
- currently in the process of doing some potion crafting, and that its extremely high level
- she has “delegated” certain tasks to different people
- anchor root and noxolo are investigating bones to see how the bugs around them are interacting
- esi has been instructed to go into town to get witness reports for the recent boat incident
- has now given us the task of collecting insect samples from different locations
- she asks us what the issue with the bugs probably is
- she also talks about weird recurring nightmares
- people have been having them and so have the professors
- List
- Leshi gardens
- Canal in the city near the harbor
- Refusice over by the kitchen (where the bugs were) (where they dump the garbage where the bones and stuff are dumped to make compost)
- they clean em but the bugs keep coming back
- anchor root has been tasked to try and find the centipedes so go to her to find the 4th location
With anchor root
- she is feeding stuff to the her giant chicken familiar
- anchor root found the centipedes but figured the professor was gonna ask us to find it but she already collected all the bugs
- but her chicken ate a lot of the centipedes
- we get antivenom!
Leshi gardens!
- we see the robot! it looks like its effective against fire
- we find a moving group together
- sachi adds a piece of shit to the jar
The Canal!
- there is a swarm of centipedes approaching your location
- bugs resistant to piercing and slashing but maybe electricity is good
- we return with the bugs! Sachi is almost dead
- several teachers remind us that we need to pick a magic warrior that we will follow
- wolf spider for Chauk, bull for sven, black widow spider for sachi, and crow for yvie
Back at the dorms
- Chauk sneaks out to see mariama but sees another person in purple moving through the jumping pad
- Igansi is sneaking out and heading to a different building in another part of campus
- Chauk loses track of him
- Chauk sees Mariama and they flirt and he tries to make out with her
- he rolls a 7 then an 8.
- but she says shes busy
- “raincheck” and he leaves
- everyone’s masks start to float in the air in the middle of the night
- and they stare at us
- detect magic
- feel a calling to your mask
- you feel as if you need to put on the mask
- sachi religion checks
- whatever power is behind the mask is trying to empower you
- in local legends, the 10 magic warriors have people known as the “warriors of tradition” where they continue the tradition of wearing the mask
- where we are chosen as the representatives of the warriors
- chauk willingly puts it on, yvie gets the mask basically thrown on her, sven wears the mask, sachi doesn’t put on the mask
- chauk in control, yvie not in control, sven in control
- chauk: carmine jaws (wolf spider)
- the mask transforms to perfectly match your face
- putting on the mask no longer requires use of hands and while it is on it is an attuned magic item
- you can hear the sound of the jungle and your eyes become better able to see harder things
- as if you were like the spider itself
- you have beast senses!
- you can lowlight vision, if u already have lowlight u get darkvision
- you get 10th level range of scent for 10 feet (level 1 mask feature)
- mask can level up with you as you empower it and as you carve into it
- sachi: verdant spider (black widow)
- every single fashion sense, social situation, etc appears before your eyes in a brief light
- you specifically see the original verdant spider constantly changing her outfit to fit the situation
- your mask is a little different
- as a 10 minute activity while touching the mask, you can think of any outfit or disguise you want and it can auto change your disguise
- physical disguise not magic so doesnt trigger magic
- but detriggers after 24 hours
- if you have quick disguise feat then you can make this into a round worth of stuff
- stacks with quick disguise
- mask can only produce enough clothing for you as the masks level divided by 2
- Yvie: black heron (crow)
- you put on the mask and it also fits perfectly to your face
- your feat is that every time you take a step, you no longer hear the sound of your own footsteps
- gain feather steps ability
- no longer trigger any sort of trap that uses pressure or weight
- reduce fall damage by level of relic
- if reduced to 0, not prone and land on feet
- +1 to all jumping
- the mask is attempting to get you to learn how to fly but its not strong enough
- Sven: Azure Leopard
- you see the image of a bull and that disappears through the wall and appears elsewhere
- you realize that as you reach out your hand to the shadows in your room, you can touch the shadows
- shadows are now a physical substance you can interact with
- spend 1 action to grab the shadows around you and then form them into basic tools (simple weapons)
- physically solid object
- lasts for 1 minute
- you have now gained a new downtime activity
- if you have your mask, you can attempt to carve a meaningful symbol for a person youre entering a relationship with
- if your rl partner has no unique spell then you get a relevant domain focus spell
- need to be level 2 for study bonus and level 3 for spell for Dawn (spider mom)
- if you want to change animal or magic warrior bc it doesnt fit your character thats fine
- some masks have better level 1 abilities, some have better ultimate etc
- dw abt this tho, worry about rp and story
- will be customizable!
Session 9 - 26 April 2024
- part of the side walls explode on us bc of the sheer amount of bugs
- initiative!
- we beat the beetles and the mega beetle!
- bugs seem to have come from underground passage?
- they destroyed a lot of the building
- takulu ot is looking at our group every so often while talking to the teachers
- theres a lot of worry on his face
- he approaches us and hands a map with a circled location on it
- he asks us to dungeon crawl
- tests and quizzes for the week have been cancelled instead lets do practical research
- Zuma, the divination teacher, figured out that why this occurred is bc theres a lot of tunnels (more than there should be)
- we have maintenance tunnels but there are more than our estimates
- so there has been someone digging extra tunnels or one of the walls collapsed and its connected to a cave network
- our area marked on the map is more dangerous, more likely to be the cave
- the school has recognized that we in particular are advancing quicker than others
- we in particular are the only special ones
- tokulu ot does mention that the PE teachers are going to A1
- which they think is the most dangerous
- were going to A2 which is 2nd most dangerous
Dungeon Crawl!
- theres a crap ton of bugs
- toff sees cave walls
- some of the stone walls (only the stone, which are part of the original stone) are unnaturally smoothed
- she sees a spot that she has been to before and its smoother than before
- someone has been using magic to modify the stone
- cindy recalls that this is impossible
- the university has magically protected the stone
- its the stone itself that is the building material that is protected
- someone is managing to bypass that protection
- casting stone shape should cause a magical backfire
- the last student who tried to do this died
- the stone protection magic is still in effect tho
- the person who created the spell is lost to time
- we are entering the dungeon from the archhorn library
- ufi and the medic team are here!
- ufi will look the other way for yvie specifically, not for the bird
- he hands yvie a help bead and then gives chauk a dispel magic scroll
- yvie sees a puddle
- there is a dead headless vexgit who seems to have been here recently
- something large and heavy was dropped on its head
- there is a small area where someone could have left something
- gremlins would 100% do this
- they are cousins to the gremlin
- as we go through the cave system
- there is a giant mushroom radiating nature magic
- if a primal magic user eats the mushroom it helps with something
- toff eats the mushroom but chauk tries to convince him its toxic
- for the next hour, every time you casts a primal magic spell that casts one creature you can choose to have that creature regain one d6 hp per spell level
- toff only has cantrips. it does nothing
- northeast or southwest
- we are coming from northwest
- we head over to the university entrance area
- sachi sneaks over
- strands of glowing dawn’s voice is heard in the distance
- ignaci, dawn, and okoro are all together
- ignaci is on the ground
- both dawn and okoro are freaking out
- cindy talks to dawn, sachi talks to iganci
- ignaci is having an allergic reaction
- sachi manages to help ignaci
- dawn tells us that they were supposed to go to A4 and there was a cave in
- so they were gonna try to go around to meet the rest but they went the wrong way
- they got attacked by some bees
- allergic to bees
- sachi jumps up to relationship status 2 with ignaci bc she saved his life
- with this we know the area up ahead has 3 giant bees
- okoro and our map is displaying wrong area
- the teachers gave us the wrong maps
- but theyre based off the official maps
- someone has created new tunnels and added new stones to send people into a death
- we send them back
- chauk fucks up trying to rizz up ignaci
- sachi tries but yvie cock blocks them
- we find the bees
- they are actually actively mining??? strange
- start initiative!
- they die lmao
- area seems to be covered with some sort of sticky substance
- a mixture of tree sap and crushed flowers
- made to mimic honey
- they were slaves :(((
- there is a secret door behind one of the walls without sap
- toff disables it
- there is an absolutely disgusting looking creature
- her name is binji (grimply)
- she’s a gnoll gremlin probably
- sachi adopts binji with yvie’s help
- binji has no concept of abandonment and has lived an entire life of servitude
- she has attachment issues
- she now basically lives and sleeps with sachi
- sachi gains a permanent bonus on succeeding on all perception checks about the cave traps and hidden doors
- will tell you anything about the gremlins
- binji can be trained as an assistant, maid, study partner, spy, or combatant (but she’s objectively bad at fighting and should be treated as such)
- chauk tries to offer binji and cigarette but yvie prevents it from happening
- there are 2 goblin leaders
- theres 2 boy leaders
- one of the head enforcers is a nuglub (giant gremlins that are hunched back but more powerful) known as norbell (leader)
- 2nd in command
- the stoneman
- he is the stone
- he speaks from the stone, hes here to take revenge for what the university did to him all those years ago
- around the time of the kid who died from the ricochet
- its the kid. he shaped stone himself to death and become one with the stone.
- the bugs were here since we got here
- the stoneman has just been opening the walls
- there is a bad that has magic on the top shelf
- bag of holding type one
- has dead bloodseeker
- bloodseeker beak
- if you hit an off guard creature, you deal 1d4 sneak attack
- if you already do sneak attack this transforms into persistent bleed
- binji will also mention that there are 5 creatures in the room next to us
- that is the planning room, the war room
- all gremlins
- we enter the war room where 6 goblins are
- one of them speaks sakvroth???
Session 10 - 03 May 2024
- we enter the storage room and war planning room
- we see some documents on the table
- very detailed with full layout of the school
- the person in charge is student so this is not surprising
- stone ghost had been in the war room
- you can clearly see they were planning an attack where they realized the tree stump library was no longer in use and they were using it as a base
- storage barn and library were theri staging grounds and we interrupted and stopped them twice
- were clearly trying to kill as many ppl as possible
- there was gonna be an attack on the dorm itself in a few days
- were trying to kill us in our sleep
- but they didnt plan the bug attack during the introduction ceremony
- they werent expecting to get attacked so they didnt know about the bug attack
- they were building a tunnel to get to the teachers administration
- they were the ones who also controlled the bees
- bees existed before they came here and stone ghost took the opportunity
- we can either head back into the storage room or we can head further north
- just north is their sleeping quarters
- stone child to southeast
- we enter one of the bedrooms!
- relili finds a missing object from their room
- 6 gold
- their old music sheet
- toff finds her dirt and 8 gold
we go off to find the stone ghost
- we disable some of the traps
- there is a bunch of moss that takes away heat
- chauk has a lit cigarette and it triggers initiative
- he starts getting choked by a slime tentacle???
- we break the air conditioner rip
- theres a secret door to the north!
- cindy finds a half chopped wooden block!
- finds 5 gold!
- chauk finds a really nice cigar!
- 9 gold
- the upcoming room is where the second in command is
- we see the guy with a giant fly
- he is talking sakvroth and smacking the fly around
- he’s trying to train the fly
- we try to sneak up on him but fail
- roll initiative!
- bullying is horrible because theyre bad people on the inside
- sven finds their flute from their dorm!
- finds 10 gold!
- as were checking out the room, we see a bloodstained cloak (yellow and white) and a dirty bloodstained mask that depicts a stern antelope and a kindly hare
- the hare is giving off necromantic magic
- whoever has a mask, whoever rolls a hit point you can roll twice on the hit points and take the higher number
- the school specializes in masks so we can have this transformed into our mask, thus we can merge it
- mask and cloak used to belong to a student who they thought left last year (like last year)
- 3 students were killed supposedly
- sachi finds their cute stamp of bear collections
- finds 7 gold
- yvie finds a scroll written in mzali (its a letter from her parents)
- she finds 1 gold and hands it to binji
- chauk gives binji a bedroll cover
stone ghost! (Uduwak Bazni)
- we enter the room and it looks like a better version of our dorm room!
- chauk tears down a curtain. initiative! (you mf.)
- chauk suddenly becomes incorporeal for half a second then he falls through the ground???
- a tiny little memphit (earth elemental) jumps out of the wall towards chauk, slaps him and laughs
- the stone ghost is surprisingly good looking
- a rhinoceros mask is found under his bed
- increased momentum, next melee strikes ignores hardness (5 below)
- he douses his notes with a shatter vase spell and kills himself
- we have recovered the notes
- 7 downtime activities
- society or nature
- rug is worth 30 gold and made out of bearskin
we end up going back!
- sachi can pick 2 alchemical items up to level 5 to save his life
back at the dorm!
- we celebrate!!
- sachi has mask of rhinoceros, toff takes mask of mercy
- we all end up on the roof partying, we are baking with dawn!
- the twins notice a group of 3 anadi are approaching the campus from the west
- toff notices the anadi are running for their lives, and are bloody
- one is fate weaver and two are seekers
- they are being chased by 3 griffins
- initiative!
- the griffins attack the twins!
- as soon as anadi counselor sees you fail the roll, you get to reroll
- yvie calls their patron
- fate weaver casts hypnotic pattern
- Relili makes the griffin paranoid
- paranoia and hypnotic pattern lets us allow to capture 2 of the griffins but one of them gets away
- toff’s nature check! (29 roll!)
- studying griffins will happen in next session!
- a downtime activity