
To help represent a diversity of learning granted by being university students, the following class options are enabled.

  1. Free Archetype
  2. Automatic Bonus Progression (ABP)
  3. Branch bonuses
  4. Relationship Bonuses

To add custom increases (such as lore, feats, or skills), go to Pathbuilder on your phone or computer

  • Click on the menu in the top left
  • Custom increase
  • Pick the level it applies to
  • Go to said level and add in your extra skill or feat

Note, if you run into “cannot select this option as it is illegal,” you may need to turn on the “Remove free archetype feat restrictions” in the character options → advanced options.

Special Abilities: The following special modifications for feats applies.

  1. Cascade Bearers at level 4 can take the Arcane Sense skill feat and use Arcana to identify any spell regardless of spell tradition to represent their wide studies.
  2. Emerald Boughs at level 4 can take the Secret Speech skill feat for a special speech all Emerald Bough students (current and graduated) can speak. It works like Thieves' Cant and represents their background as “diplomats” of the university.
  3. Rain-Scribes at level 4 can take the Natural Medicine skill feat and are considered always benefitting from the +2 bonus using nature or medicine to represent their affinity for nature.
  4. Tempest-Sun Mages at level 4 can take the Impressive Performance skill feat and can use Performance instead of Diplomacy in one-on-one situations to represent their training in interacting with a wide variety of people and situations.
  5. Uzunjati at level 4 can take the Courtly Graces skill feat (Society skill feat) and use either a relevant Lore in addition to Society to present themselves as a famed Magaambya Storyteller instead of a noble. If presenting as a storyteller, this feat applies to any person in the Mwangi Expanse that enjoys the art of storytelling. You can also present yourself as a tribal storyteller (to hide university affiliation) using a relevant Lore skill or Society instead of deception when attempting to impersonate a tribal storyteller.
  • friday/pathbuilder.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/24 10:42
  • by