Mbe’kes are the surface dwelling dwarves. And as such, they frequently have clean-shaven faces (to avoid having a place where the insects can easily hide) and short hair. Your people greatly respect the cloud dragons and use various symbols related to cloud dragons and lightning in their clothing and your people also greatly hate pirates, frequently engaging in full scale war with them. Your people have a rich history of debate and politics, but this comes at the cost of a culture many others consider stoic and lacking in humor. You do have humor, but it is relegated to a strange oral tradition known as “Tangle-tales” where you attempt to weave normal history with a story so nonsensical it must be false and the loser is the one who laughs first. Mbe’kes love doing this with outsiders as they, not realizing the purpose, laugh at the outlandish stories quickly and easily. Mbe’kes settlements are diverse, large, and feature people of any class or alignment. Except for pirates.
SPECIAL NOTE: Any race that starts in a Mbe’kes city should take the versatile heritage dwarven ancestry. Clan daggers are explicitly called out as belonging to anyone, even the formerly hated kobolds, as long as their family calls a Mbe’kes stronghold their home.
Unlike the city dwelling Mbe’kes, the Taralu are a nomadic and deeply spiritual group of dwarves who offer their services as diplomats and mediators. As a people, you grew up hearing the story of Tanin, the ancient cloud dragon. When your people were about to be caught up in a war between Geb and Nex, the injured cloud dragon Tanin came to your people seeking a promise. Mortally injured, the cloud dragon spoke of a land briming with food, of fields filled with game, but most of all, its home. The cloud dragon wished to be laid to rest in the land he hatched from. Your people honored the dying dragon’s wish, his resting place becoming a holy place for pilgrimage. While that war is long over, the lesson remains. When tribes go to war, even dragons may fall.
Your character should be characterized by a desire for peace and patience, but not pacifism. But, fighting should only be a last resort and only sought after if it is the only way to save more lives. Also, your hair is dyed the color(s) of the sky (blue, purple, orange, red, etc). This color is the color of the sky at some momentous moment in your life. Older dwarves may even dye their beards multiple colors for multiple events. Note: If you are a cleric of these people, it is highly recommended to take the faith of Apsu. Other dwarven faiths are allowed if appropriate, such as Grundinnar. If you are a sorcerer, take the Wyrmblessed Bloodline as this is directly from Tanin or Apsu as a blessing on your people. If you have either class, you always know the direction to Taninshroud (the resting place of the Cloud Dragon Tanin) as bowing your head in that direction is how you recharge your spells each day.