You are an Umasi. You are cursed. Insanely cursed. You cannot heal by ANY normal means. Magical, alchemical, medicinal, long rest, none of them work. Instead, whenever in the presence of a dead creature that still has body parts, you gain the following unique action.
Umasi Stitched Flesh
10 minute activity You butcher a dead creature to harvest it for your own body. Take a part of the creature and add it to your body. You don’t need healer’s tools for this, but any bonuses to your medicine skill that apply to treat wounds applies to this.
You must select either the Bandu Hills or Kaava Lands as your starting location.
You must take medicine or your character dies.
BUT, you gain the following bonus. You may take the Ghoul Archetype without any of the hunger negatives. Instead of the normal hunger mechanic, the hunger actions cause healing as if you did Umasi Stitched Flesh.
This is not recommended. You will be shunned. You will get few romantic relationships. But, it is an option if you want to eat a ton of stuff.