
Gnoll is a hard race to play. They are often shunned for their culture and beliefs. Gnolls abhor the concept of honor. Each life is of ultimate value (within their tribe), so to waste lives on prolonging a conflict or engaging in “fair” combat is seen as anathema. Kill quickly, cheat, steal. Whatever is necessary for the tribe. It also doesn’t help that they frequently practice cannibalism, but only for those they show respect to on top of taking the dead bodies and turning them into weapons or art (also out of respect).

While gnolls obviously favor classes that encourage opponents not fighting back (such as spellcasters with control spells, Rogues, Rangers), they also heavily value their clerics (often worshipping Calistria and Shelyn) and bards who practice their religion with a focus on art and beauty.

  • friday/people/gnoll.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/31 10:53
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