
You likely come from the Song’o people. Little is known about them and they would like to keep it that way. Rumors persist that the Song’o Halflings are responsible for numerous terrorist activities throughout the region against slavers, Chelaxians, colonizers, and any who help them. Whether they do this out of a sense of protecting their territory or a greater sense of justice, nobody knows. If you come from the Song’o people, choose a class that gives you access to stealth to represent this upbringing (or perhaps, study in Shadow magic). If you ever find yourself in the Laughing Jungle, you may choose to spend downtime attempting to contact other members of your race to aid you in your journey.

There is a small group of halflings that live in the city of Nantambu (where the magical academy is). You could choose to come from this group as well. You will be a friend / relative of Goana, the local mask crafter.

You also start with the “Fighting Stick” weapon. This weapon was used by you during your participation in the Estad de Bomaye during the Kana Fete summer festival.

Special note: Religion plays a very small part of their life and as such, clerics are quite rare. Not unheard of, but you would be playing against type as a religious halfling.

  • friday/people/halflings.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/31 10:46
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