If you take the Uomoto ancestry, you gain access to Shory Aeromancer and Shory Aerialist uncommon ancestry feats. Your people also have a history with local eagles. Consider taking an eagle as your spiritual animal. These people live near the mysterious ruins of Kho (see Barrier Wall down below in the Regions tab). As such, they have an unusually high number of sorcerers born in their tribe. If you take this race, consider one of the following background styles. Note, due to equality, all Uomoto wear long-sleeves (robe, shirt, your choice). Note, these are not necessarily mutually exclusive (such as a sorcerer tinkerer). Taking an archaeologist archetype is an excellent way to roleplay this group of people as well. You were born a sorcerer in the Uomoto tribe. You start the game with a ceremonial tattoo of your special birth. You grew up near the mysterious ruins of Kho and have gained an eye to discern between junk and rare artifacts and how to fix both. You are known as a tinkerer of the ancients. Consider taking crafting and magical crafting as well. You also grew up near the mysterious ruins of Kho and recognize that these artifacts are not only magical, but have monetary value. You set up a shop near the ruins (or your family has one) and peddled many magical artifacts over the years. You were born with no magical talent. Perhaps you see sorcerers as having it easy in life and went to the academy to prove yourself.
- friday/regions/ruins_of_kho.txt
- Last modified: 2024/03/28 12:31
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