
These mountains form a giant wall between the deserts of the north and the jungles of the south. Of particular note for your characters, there is a rumor of a long lost library of Jatembe, the founder of the university. Nobody has found this library, but local tribes and settlements frequently tell this story to their children and have a long tradition as being the “protectors of Jatembe and Mwangi” as they prevent evil creatures from leaving Mwangi and going north while also attempting to find the library.

If you play as a Druid, consider coming from this region as there is a group of druids known as the Stonewardens. They protect the mountains as well as guide travelers (typically away from the mountains as they are dangerous), but many still go searching for the lost library or the fabled crafting recipes of Artokus Kirran, creator of the sun orchid elixir.

  • friday/regions/the_barrier_wall.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/28 14:17
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