
Name Izem Mezitani
Details Male Aasimar
Branch Rain-Scribes
Studies Exploration and Archaeology
Skills Athletics, Crafting, Occultism, Stealth
Hobbies Archaeology, history, engineering, linguistics, recreational flying

More of a celebrity than a proper teacher, this new arrival to Magaambya is well-liked by students for his numerous stories of dungeon delving from the ruins in Osirian and Jistkan. After running afoul by conducting unauthorized investigations into ruins around Mzali, he entered into a tenuous relationship with Magaambya, exchanging his teaching on ancient religious practices and occultism for safety from Mzali. He teaches classes on understanding runes, both for research and for protection from ancient traps.

  • Has tried to get into Mazali
  • friday/staff/izem_mezitani.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/10 20:09
  • by