
Name Lesedi
Details Female Alijae Elf
Branch Cascade Bearers
Studies Extraplanar Portals and Creatures
Skills Arcana, Intimidation, Occultism, Survival
Hobbies High fashion and hair styling, glass blowing, building tiny models of spacecraft

One of the very few Alijae elves that has left her hometown, Lesedi is a welcome addition to the Magaambya. Despite her love of pink (and demon bones), her short stature, and rather petite figure, she is widely regarded as one of the most intimidating teachers, frequently yelling at students or cutting them off mid-sentence at even the slightest of mistakes or mispronunciations. The demon bones also adds to this. Outside of classes though, she is known for her bubbly, even sugary, personality and love of all things fashion.

She is not primarily a teacher, but rather, a researcher employed by the university that happens to also teach a few classes on extraplanar creatures. How to summon them, how to fight them, and how to banish them.

Due to her advanced age, she is surprisingly also the academies leading authority figure on the concept of magically-powered ships that can travel through space. She was alive during the last attempt to create a flying spacecraft (Lirgen's Glory, ended in tragedy). She builds tiny model spacecraft in her spare time.

  • friday/staff/lesedi.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/19 12:38
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