
Name Takulu Ot
Details Male Human
Branch Cascade Bearers
Studies Arcane theory, mathematics, pedagogy
Skills Diplomacy, Occultism, Performance, Society
Hobbies Weaving, mbira music, drawing glyphs and fractals, bird-feeding

One of the kindest teachers on campus and largely in charge of all new first year students. Takulu has taken it upon himself to create an atmosphere of acceptance for new students, knowing all too well how rough it can be to transition into this new environment. He is patient, kind, forgiving to a fault, and rarely raises his voice even when things might be getting dangerous, preferring to quietly correct his students and use mistakes as a teaching moment while still treating his students as adults capable of making their own decisions. He is currently the only professor attempting to create a new department at Magaambya, a department of education for the teaching of pedagogy.

Due to his seemingly supernatural kindness, he is always the subject of various conspiracy theories and rumors. Such as, Takulu Ot was a member of the special forces and killed several hundred people and is now atoning for his sins, a former cultist who ran away after they sacrificed a living being, a secret serial killer that sneaks through hidden portals in different buildings around campus before dumping bodies in the canals, a poacher, a devil in disguise waiting to entrap students in a bad deal so he can take their souls to hell, or not even human (shapeshifter from a hag for example). Takulu Ot knows of these rumors and switches between amusement at the creativity to outright bewilderment at the more outlandish ones.

Except the one that he's an alien. He finds that one particularly funny and will joke with Lesedi that he came in on an alien spaceship from another planet and is here to learn about Mwangi culture. So, if he has to learn history, so do the students.

  • friday/staff/takulu_ot.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/19 14:26
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